Meet the Team
The iAtlas project advances through close collaboration among team members who plan and implement iAtlas capabilities by combining expertise in software design and engineering, bioinformatics, computational biology, immuno-oncology and immunogenomics.
Sage Bionetworks
Institute for Systems Biology
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
TCGA PanCancerAtlas Immune Response Working Group
The TCGA Immune Response Working Group (IRWG) comprised a diverse set of researchers devoted to exploring the relationship between tumors and the immune microenvironment and its impact on patient outcomes. This working group was one of many in the TCGA PanCancer Atlas initiative, each exploring a different aspect of cross-tumor type analysis. Each reported their findings in a series of articles in Cell Press in April 2018. Highlights of the study conducted by the IRWG (Thorsson et al., Immunity, 2018) include the following: six identified immune subtypes span cancer tissue types and molecular subtypes; immune subtypes differ by somatic aberrations, microenvironment and survival; multiple control modalities of molecular networks affect tumor-immune interactions.
CRI iAtlas Scientific Advisory Committee
The iAtlas team is grateful to have benefitted from valuable comments and suggestions from the iAtlas Scientific Advisory Committee.